How To Claim On Your Car Insurance

If you are one of the millions out there who drive their car everyday, chances are you have your car covered by an insurance policy in case of an accident. This is a practical thing to do since damages from an accident could be heavy as to require intensive repair. Such a repair will not be cheap and is sure to bear heavily on your finances. However, never be complacent once you have car coverage. Your problem may just be starting.

Making a claim on your car is often a frustrating experience. Insurance companies contest every claim that an insured makes and this causes many altercations between the two parties. To avoid such disputes, report an accident the soonest you can. Delaying on it can cause the forfeiture of your insurance claims. If you are going top send reports and other such documents, have it acknowledged and keep a copy of everything you sent. In an attempt to resist the claims process, a lot of companies deny receiving such information. Documenting and keeping a copy of everything will give you the proof against such denials.

If you come to an insurance company's office to get your claim or you made a call for such, you will notice that you are being bounced around the claims department. This is a practice that is done by many insurance companies to delay the claim process. If you happen to be treated this way, make sure that you record all the names of the people you have ever talked to.

This should include the date and time of your conversations with the particular person. You can talk to the department head about these things and hopefully, he will remedy the situation. But if it still does not work, then it is time to consult the proper government authority. The rules are different in each locality but complaining on such an agency is usually enough to get an action from an insurance company. Dealing with a government agency can be slow though and your claim maybe long in coming. But at least, it will give you what you deserve.

If everything mentioned above still does not have any effect, then you can bring your case to the courts. Court fees vary for each territory and it may add a little on your expenses at first. But once you get your claim, you can reimburse everything. But such cases usually do not take long, as insurance companies usually get an out of courts settlement to avoid further expenses.

Knowing what to do in such a situation will guarantee that you get what is rightfully yours from insurance companies who try to bully their way out of an insurance claim. It will also teach insurance companies to take claims made on their issued policies seriously. Do not be complacent and take an insurance company for its word, as this will be very disadvantageous for you later on.

Syed Farhan Tanvir

I am digital marketing expert for Car Edit Services at Graphics Experts Ltd.

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